Last Name:
What East Baton Rouge Parish neighborhood, community or area do you represent?
What is the address of this project?
What are your neighborhood's biggest challenges that you would like to impact (blight, lack of engagement, litter, affordability, crime, etc.)?
What type of project are you looking for support on? Blight clean up Community branding, including signage, Beautification, including landscaping, fence repairs, home painting, or public art Repair or rehab of a public space, including a community center or park Community safety project, including increased lighting or cameras Other
Please describe your project and it's intended impact: Please be sure to include details about what the project is and how it will impact your neighborhood.
How much are you requesting for your project? Please note, requests should not exceed $2,000 and we may only be able to provide partial support
How many people will be engaged or supported by this project?
Anything else you would like for us to know?
Please review and check the following waivers: I understand that this is just an interest form and someone will follow up to help me complete an application. I am not garuanteed to receive financial or in-kind support. I understand that my group is only eligible for support once a year, and the type of support we are eligible for will be determined by an assessment of your current needs by our team. I understand that it may take several days or weeks for a team member to follow up with me, but that it is the team's utmost hope to assist as many people as quickly as possible I understand that I may be asked to submit a report on the financial or in-kind support's impact on my neighborhood, including how many people were helped by the project or how many people were engaged in making the project happen. I understand that funds can only be used to support low to moderate income communities, but any neighborhood can borrow tools or supplies.